Support and strategies for your personal and professional life

How can I help you?


    Considering therapy?

    This is your opportunity to get started, with a fixed number of session targeted for lasting improvement.

    Going into summer holiday Stronger, Calmer or Closer, choose your path at a 10 % discount.

  • Individual Counseling

    Individual counseling service provides dedicated support to help you overcome personal challenges and improve your emotional well-being.

  • Youth and Family Counseling

    Communicating across generations is hard, whether young or, well not young. Youth and family counseling may support you in the process.

  • Tailored Workshop Courses

    Do you want a fun, energetic and dynamic learing session for your staff or parent meetings? Do you have difficult or sensitive issues that may be hard to talk about?

Welcome to Core Counseling Service

Utilize the power of self-awareness and emotional growth. Individual counseling, group counseling, and theme-based workshops are designed to empower and support you in your situation.

If you are struggling in your personal relationships, at work or with your own situations, counseling is a safe, supportive and confidential space for reflection, insight and exploring strategies for positive change.

If you are a school, pre-school, or organization working with youth, we offer courses tailored to meet your specific needs.

Approach and methods will be adapted to your specific situation.


My name is Lene Mordal, and I am passionate about facilitating processes for my clients to live to live safe and content lives, where the client gets the most out of their unique skills, potential and circimstance.

Read more about my experience and qulifications, and the team behind me.

Get in Touch

Let me know how I can help you and what you can expect from our counseling services. Please do not disclose any sensitive information through this form.